Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Miao Mioa Sang Arnab (Sudut Pandang Afifi)

Sang Arnab yang menjadi makna simbolik terhadap gelojak jiwa di dalam diri Mat setelah tersirna di dalam dunia percintaan dan berpacaran ternyata membawa suatu gambaran kepada betapa rapuh dan suasana yang dipenuhi ketidak pastian bagi mereka yang terjerumus ke dalam dunia percintaan di luar pernikahan.

Tidak hairan niat dan usaha Mat untuk membunuh diri ternyata membawa makna yang besar akan akibat cinta yang tidak didasari kepastian yang wujud dari ikatan pernikahan. Keindahan yang menyilaukan dan sungguh meruntun hati apabila terikat dengan cinta kepada seorang wanita yang tidak pasti kesetiaannya terhadap Mat membawa perasaan penonton untuk turut merasai betapa pedihnya kekecewaan saat dipermainkan cinta yang buta. Jelas nyata di hadapan saya betapa cinta di luar ikatan pernikahan ternyata bisa membinasakan jiwa malahan hidup seluruhnya. Pernikahan yang memberikan sebuah kepastian, perasaan bertanggungjawab dan kasih cinta yang bisa diterjemahkan tanpa batasan sebenarnya membawa pengakhiran yang membahagiakan. Namun, tanpa ikatan pernikahan, cinta yang turut diterjemahkan akhirnya menjadikan manusia itu ibarat binatang, malahan lebih hina kerana binatang juga turut mempunyai sifat-sifat mulia yang sepatutnya dimiliki manusia selaku khalifah dan hamba dibumi Allah SWT. Ini jelas tergambar dari usaha Arn untuk menyelami apa itu cinta dan apakah yang perlu dilakukannya untuk menjadi manusia dalam erti yang sebenarnya. Jika dibandingkan dengan Pak Tam dan Johan (maaf tak ingat nama karakter playboy tu) yang walaupun manusia tetapi jauh tersimpang dari sifat manusia yang sebenarnya akibat terpedaya ditipu keindahan dan keseronokan membolot harta dan membolot keenakan bercinta semata-mata memuaskan kehendak yang membawa kepada kenistaan sejati.

Sifat ingin tahu dan usaha gigih Arn di dalam usahanya untuk mengenal dan merubah dirinya menjadi manusia dalam erti yang sebenarnya sungguh mengharukan dalam aspek betapa besar tenaga, masa dan keringat yang harus dikorbankan bagi mencapai kemampuan untuk mengenal tentang hakikat sebenar seorang manusia, makhluk ciptaan Allah SWT yang mempunyai tujuan tertentu yang jelas lagi tersuluh. Suasana sedikit pun tidak mempengaruhinya untuk turut serta terjerumus di dalam kancah nista, malah itu menjadi bahan bakar untuk semangatnya mencari dan berusaha menjadi manusia yang mulia, jauh lebih baik dari Pak Tam dan Johan yang ternyata sudah tersimpang jauh di dalam hidupnya masing-masing.

Ternyata memahami tujuan kehidupan di dunia ini dan ke mana kita menuju selepas kematian adalah terlalu penting untuk tidak diambil endah. Malahan tanpanya, sudah tentu kesesatan yang pasti bakal kita tempuhi serta pengakhiran yang sungguh menistakan. Ternyata panduan ini tidak dapat tidak melainkan ianya diambil dari sumber wahyu tertinggi yakni Al-Quran dan As Sunnah utusan yang Maha Pencipta yang menciptakan manusia itu dengan ‘tangan’Nya sendiri. Yang meniupkan roh ke dalam sanubari diri ini yang membentuk jiwa yang darinya timbul Iman dan cinta. Sesugguhnya cinta yang sejati adalah hanya kepadaNya yang Maha Esa, Maha Penyayang, yang memiliki dan mengurniakan cinta di dalam jiwa manusia.

Demi jiwa dan penyempurnaannya. Maka diilhamkan kepadanya jalan kebaikan dan keburukan. Sungguh, beruntunglah bagi mereka yang menyucikannya. Dan sungguh merugilah bagi mereka yang mengotorinya.

(Quran Surah Asy Syams 91:7-10)



Selasa, 11 Julai 2009


Thursday, August 06, 2009

Kata Kata Penulis MMSA FTKL '09

It was all started when Pacel was too itchy to act (the Itch Syndrome), I told him there is a venue….Festival Teater Kuala Lumpur. Hence, Pacel with the help of Usop registered The Qum Actors in a jiffy and immediately got in the bandwagon of FTKL09! What they now need are actors and a script. I told him, you need a minimalist set and you have done it….Miao Miao Sang Arnab, (the prequel of Cinta Sang Arnab…hahaha…yes, yes…we’ll get to this later). So there is he is trying to gather actors….his closest buddy Koba, Usop, Jijol, EE, Haha, Lutfi (in Sarawak!), Pot & Polo (in Kerteh)…all graduates from the TTS University which taught them the Shark’s Method of Acting…hahaha. Wow, talk about long distance relationships in acting! How do you do this? I don’t know. You only need four actors. Usop can be Roy…. Can you find an actress? No? Don’t worry, I’ll help you…I’ll convert Fati Ermi to a man! What? A gay man? Errr…yes…ask Jijol first. Can he do it?

Hmmm…No? …okay okay, I’ll rewrite the play to have Lutfi (if he agrees) for the play. Hence, it was wonderful writing the script designed for my most loveable actor since I know how he would deliver it! And I know he only needs minimal guidance as always. An actor who could be as real as your mother and father! So I edited the original CSA script into MMSA script, gave it to Pacel. Here you go…direct it! Hence, this started the ONE MAN production of MMSA by none other than the director himself incharge of everything! Talk about commitment.

Volunteers for his production comes from ex TTS (except for the newcomer Saha) members. However, commitment from some are left to be desired. (you would expect they remember that they are no longer doing a UTP production but an external one!). Actors have to check in by 6 pm. No going out for dinners anymore! Everybody has to be at their stations at 8pm! (immediately after maghrib). Actors should be disciplined enough to be at their respective spots after getting their instructions. It is difficult, but things have to be done for a production. Emotions do not need to be flying if everybody knows their responsibilities.

Now comes the director’s lamentations…oh…they are so not free. Oh they are so not concentrating. Oh you are taking him overseas! (tak jadi lah!). Oh he is meeting his fiancé. Hmmm….well, my dear. You are the director. I can’t get involved. I’m in the Perak’s Tok Janggut’s fight for FTP09 (ehem , ehem). But I’ll be your driver, since you use my script. You don’t have props, you can borrow TTS props with minimal charge (RM0). Pacel did managed to gather all the groups together.

But he has Pot in the role of Roy. One discussion over Polo’s dinner treat (yes, I do “pau” my former graduates) with them in Kerteh lead one thing to another…and an idea came out to incorporate the script into a more street “musical” story. With Pot and Polo….the hottest indie Band in Kerteh? Ye ke? Tak pernah dengar pun. They will be the story teller. Okay, okay…I went back …reedited the script. emailed it to Pacel. Here you go,…send it to them. No, no…you need to create your own melody not MNasir ke ape ke! The bomb dropped…Usop quits, Pot has a course…..I don’t know Pacel. What? Saha? Who is he? Newcomer? Okay…let me see….boleh lahhhhh kot. (ye, kot.) U yang nak direct. Then what about Pot and Polo. You know what? Why don’t you invite Neesa to be the storyteller…who is the storyteller? Hmmmm….Ros! (Now, the most awaited moment of Ros to be incarnated (not alive before)! Ros materializes! (when does this happen?...two days before using the storyteller’s lines!) Now you have an actress in MMSA! (best actress award?....errrr…nahhhh…not enuf la….) But you do have an actress at least. (love the interpretation by Akin on her costume). So…now you have a play….Ros telling a story about humanity and how he lost Mat and she is now on the verge of committing suicide…the beginning of Cinta Sang Arnab (well, wangi, ros….same lah…wow a prequel!...nak buat sequel ke? Anak Sang Arnab?...hahahahaah..)

How was the play? What play? oh you mean MMSA? Well, the show started with a technical blunder from an ex Med Tech (long history here). However, from there on, it was a smooth non technical error (one is enough). The followspot had some problems with fused transformers I heard. I watched the rehearsals, I stayed for them. Anyway…the rehearsals went smoothly. I did not see any emo diva actors on stage (errrr…ada ke?...tak perasan kot..there was a Tok Janggut snippet performed by the primadiva I think..hahahah) Flyers been distributed to CM, mime promo by the famous TTS Mime Artist – Anuar! (no, not Anwar Ibrahim!). He may replace the famous Marcel Marceau soon I hope….one day maybe.

Despite everything, the show was basically a hit! And this is Qum’s first production! The audiences response is the proof! Forget the judges! You can see TQA saying: Hey, guys! Here I am! Come and get me! (remembering the line from Victor Victoria’s sluttish character played by…errr???). Yes, TQA made their first mark in the theatre scene with this play. The only thing now is to move on! What do to do next? Are the actors ready? Are the group ready? I just hope it will not die a quick death like GestShop in 1993! Rules of the game have to be set.

What type of productions? (similar to TTS I hope!). More shows needed to bring this out. But it can be just FREE shows initially to further introduce them to the general public (CM?). Whatever it is, they need to plan. A management team need to be set up immediately. What’s with the new batch of TTS members graduating in December! They are too excited to be on board. (I think!, Are you?). I wish all the best to TQA! May Allah bless whatever you do. Because whatever you do, it should be for the sake of HIM. Bravo Pacel!

How was the actors? Hmmmm….let’s go for the easiest shall we? Pak Tam portrayed by Lutfi – wow….the play was actually saved by Lutfi’s Pak Tam. I doubt Fati Ermi can do much better than this. It was so hilarious when he came on stage. And the moment he appeared on stage, the audience is all geared up to laugh at his antics. Superb performance. Its as if the script was rewritten for him! (yes it was!...ahhaaha). Any flaws if there is any was hidden and tucked away in his moments of thinking. I heard he was only trained for this role for the two days prior to bump in! (now…can YOU do that? Dare you?)
Lutfi deserved the Best Supporting Role for FTKL09! (I don’t care about others..but he deserved the nomination and recognition…..frustrated when he did not get it in Asylum50 in FTP07!). Now, it’s revenge time I guess. Being in Qum Actors is the platform for these EX-TTSians!
You got it Pak Tam & the Boys! (oh….nak tukar nama ke Qum Actors?)

Arnab@Arn’s energy played by Pacel(the director himself!) was high. The heat and energy melted his make up throughout the play (what make up artist did they use? must be a cheap one). You can see it dripping!

However, Pacel managed to maintain his energy from scene 1. He could have came in with lower energy and increase it along the way. But he did manage to maintain it. Lots of energy of preparation, staging was single handedly done by him! Crazy, just crazy. And he has to act too? What Pacel (not Arn) need to improve to is to learn the art of fine cuisine acting (I just created that!) when on stage. The words can come as naturally as the character. However he has a problem. Not his problem. But his coactor. He can also use the Pak Tam’s technique of “thinking” and “responding” while waiting/listening to others. This was really obvious with Koba as Mat at times when the emotions are running low in the scene. Koba’s portrayal as Mat could have been much better. Facial expressions would not be enough if the feelings do not come from within. Delivering lines in anticipation is certainly not the way. What do you do when your co-actor is delivering the lines? Koba has done this role back in UTP…errr…100 times? This is the time he could have showed all. However, some scenes by Koba are quite good.

Just that the audience did not feel with him (me, basically). I hope in further productions of TQA he will be more into it. Now…Neesa….what do I say…despite tripping over the actors in the dark, she was really good in the first scene. However, (yes, however…) the character remained stagnant in the next scenes and she tried to go higher up with the death of Arn. I did not feel it. I want to see her face in tears, not sobbing. But she faced the floor. She should remember, offstage, she should still be in character till the show ended! An actor has to already be in character when in full view of the audience (when you are out of the curtains, even in the dark!) Watching the rehearsals, this was the best performance from her. She only performed with an audience. That is a big problem. The director will never know what she will give on the performance day! Some commented on her small voice, some commented on her dancing….All in all, she is a dangerous girl! (?). Last but not least, Saha as Roy was commendable in his acting. Energy in the scene was maintained. You can feel the audience in their seats making sense (or nonsense!) of his views and ideologies!
However, again anticipations of his co-actor made him “wait” a few times. The scene could be more natural. But it was just okay. Especially a first timer on stage! Good performance Saha!

All, in all, I think TQA deserves a big applause especially to the founders Pacel and Usop for setting a base for the TTS members (hey, if they are not interested, forget them…..you got lots in KL to choose from!). TQA needs to think of setting up a management team ASAP to be successful in this business. Pacel, you have made an impact in the Malay Theatre Scene. Bravo! Despite being infected by SLS, it should not affect the director (it affected me in Tok Janggut though! and Jebat!) it should not stop here, even when after you are Married With Children (remember the series?). Again, I salute TQA!

The writer of MMSA prequel of CSA,

Dr. Shark.
Tronoh Theatre Shop (TTS)
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Keputusan FTKL 09

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera…

Ingin saya ucapkan setinggi-tinggi syabas dan tahniah diatas kejayaan The Qum Actors (TQA) merangkul tempat ketiga dalam Festival Teater Kula Lumpur 2009 (FTKL ’09). Ucapan tahniah juga kepada Lutfi Othman yang melakonkan watak ‘Pak Tam’ kerana berjaya memenangi anugerah Pelakon Lelaki Harapan Terbaik. Akhirnya, rezeki Lutfi di Kuala Lumpur.

Selain itu, MMSA juga tercalon dalam beberapa kategori iaitu:

i) Pelakon Harapan Wanita Terbaik- Khairunnisa watak ‘Ros’
ii) Pelakon Lelaki Terbaik: Faisal Aziz watak ‘Arnab’
iii) Pengarahan Terbaik- Faisal Aziz

Berikut adalah keputusan penuh FTKL ’09 bagi kategori NGO/IPT:

i) Johan: Mekar Budaya ‘Peristiza di Zoo’
ii) Naib Johan: Ilham Art Management Services ‘Transit Warga Tanah’
iii) Tempat ke-3: The Qum Actors ‘Miao Miao Sang Arnab’

Kepada TQA, perjalanan baru bermula. Saya mengharapkan penglibatan yang lebih aktif pada masa masa akan datang. Tahniah dan syabas kepada semua pemenang.

Masa Hadapan Hiburan Malaysia

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera…

Tiba tiba saya merasa terpanggil untuk membincangkan beberapa isu yang berkaitan dengan hiburan di Malaysia. Lewat kebelakangan beberapa orang yang saya temui menyatakan rasa kecewa mereka terhadap kualiti rancangan dan hiburan tontonan mereka. Memang tidak dinafikan, sejak akhir akhir ini kebanjiran siri drama yang banyaknya berkisarkan tentang cinta, cerita seram dan unsur unsur mistik. Tidak kurang pula dengan rancangan rancangan realiti yang tumbuh bagai cendawan selepas hujan dan lantas melahirkan bakat bakat segera. Fenomena sebegini sedikit sebanyak mengubah cara kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia.

Saya akui, memang menjadi hak sesiapa sahaja untuk menghasilkan karya mengikut ‘genre’ kegemaran masing masing. Namun sebagai penulis, kesedaran terhadap tanggungjwab sosial adalah sangat mustahak. Penulis mahupun penerbit atau sesiapa sahaja perlu peka terhadap perkembangan sosial masyarakat setempat. Karya karya yang mampu meniup semangat perpaduan sert mencabar kematangan fikiran rakyat haruslah digalakkan. Muktahir ini, kita kelihatan seakan akan ketandusan idea idea yang bernas dalam penghasilan filem filem bermutu. Filem filem yang diterbitkan lebih kepada hiburan ringan dan picisan.

Pendekatan yang tidak bertentangan dengan nilai agama seharusnya menjadi prinsip utama dalam penghasilan sesebuah karya. Mungkin sesetengah pihak menganggap cara sebegini sangat jumud dan kononnya ketinggalan zaman. Nasihat saya, lihatlah gelas itu setengah penuh daripada setengah kosong. Sikap kreatif seharusnya menjadi dasar untuk menghasilkan sesuatu karya agar tidak melanggar batasan agama. Dalam mempersoalkan isu cinta, perlukah sesbuah karya itu memaparkan isu cinta antara laki laki dan perempuan yang bukan muhrim? Berpegangan tangan, berpelukan, bercumbu dan sebagainya. Jelas disini, maksud cinta itu telah disempitkan dengan hanya memaparkan perkara sebegitu.

Ayuh kita cabar minda denagn menyingkap maksud cinta dengan lebih luas. Cinta antara ahli keluarga, bagaimana seorang bapa yang berjuang untuk menyelamatakan anaknya diambang maut (ambil contoh John Q). Cinta terhadap haiwan dan alam (ambil contoh Free Willy). Malah cinta yang paling agung, cinta kepada Pencipta.

Saya pernah berkesempatan menonton filem ‘I am Sam’ arahan Jessie Nelson dan dibintangi oleh Sean Penn serta Dakota Fanning. Filem yang mengisahkan seorang pemuda (Sean Penn) yang terencat akal berjuang untuk mendapatkan hak penjagaan terhadap seorang kanak kanak yang ditinggalkan ibunya (Dakota Fanning). Cogankata untuk filem tersebuit berbunyi “All you need is love…~”. Jelas cerita ini membuktikan perasaan cinta mampu diterjemahkan oleh sesiapa sahaja. Hatta seorang yang terencat akal. Malah, filem ini juga merentasi ruang lingkup kemanusiaan.

Dalam menghasilkan filem sebegini, keterbukaan adalah sangat penting. Terbuka dalam menafsirkan sesuatu subjek, tetapi memilih maksud yang terbaik untuk dipersembahkan kepada masyarakat ramai. Lebih membanggakan ia sedikitpun tidak melampaui norma dan batas batas agama.

Saya yakin kita mempunyai pengarah pengarah yang hebat dan idealis. Namun kebanyakannya takut untuk menghasilkan filem filem yang mampu mencabar minda masyarakat. Alasan yang kerap kedengaran seperti “Isk… Tak boleh jual ni!”, “Siapalah yang nak tengok filem ko neh…syok sendiri lah!”, dan menggunung alasan diberikan. Persoalannya, sampai bila filem filem dan rancangan kita mahu berada dalam ‘status quo’?

Demi memajukan industri kita, seharusnya kita perlu berani dan sangat berani. Memang sukar pada mulanya. Perjalanan seribu batu harus bermula dengan langkah pertama. Maka, langkah pertamanya adalah cuba menghasilkan karya karya secara bebas atau ‘independent’. Sekarang telah ramai anak muda yang berani menyatakan pendapat mereka melalui penghasilan penghasilan karya. Mungkin pada mulanya akan terpengaruh dengan gaya arahan atau penulisan luar. Namun saya yakin, jika ia dipupuk dengan baik maka budaya ini akan bercambah dan mampu membawa perubahan yang sangat baik kepada kita semua.